
Friday, September 01, 2006

I brought my computer to class to put pictures on...

But, I forgot my wireless card at home. I realized this once I got on the train. So, after class I got on a bus and came here, UN library, to at least assure you all that I WILL post some.

Mom, I sent a letter to my niece...there are pictures in there for her and a whole bûnch labeled for you too. At least that way you can see some. Unfortunately it costs nearly a dollar per print, so I probably wont send many more hard copies, haha.

Ok, so we had class this morning, we are...in our last month to come up with a research project, ends up being 30 pages, full of interviews and sources about our topic...anything that interests us on an international level. For example, there was an amazing one from last year about Art as a therepeutic method for childrem who had endured war in their lives. It can be anything that we are interested in...then we go to organizations...interview, read books about it....find info anywhere and everywhere....and write and then present a 30 minute presentation as sort of a final project. I am really excited about it, I just need to make sure that I choose something valuable and importnt to me and possibly a topic that could later be beneficial for me.

Umm, this morning I took a train to Geneva, read a paper before class, went to class, ate some tea biscuits and a peach near a cathedral with some cool pigeons and demanding but cute little birds, printed some photos, had my phone fixed by some very nice people, went to la poste and sent a letter, took a bus to the United Nations, and m now here at la Bibliotheque (Library =) Soon I will take the bus to the train, and thê train to Rolle, eat amazing dinner and recite the words I learned in french....and then maybe go for a run through the village.

I tell you all this not because I am super vain and think so highly of every task, but to paint a picture of my life en La Suisse (switzerland).

Denise, thank you for helping ma mere to text message. Haha, it was super nice of you and I really appreciate the mushy comment. It is nice to know that I have people that are so caring present, it also reminds me that I ought to really focus on tht and invest more love too in them. You are so great Denise, and I hope as you have seen me grow a bit from a moody teenager to ummm a young woman, that my moodiness has not ever led you to believe you are anything but kind, loving and fun. =)

Mama, I hope to talk to you soon, I love you =) Amber...you are so great, expect a letter with pictures soon =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyyyy... I tell you what..teachin your momma to text message was NO easy task..but I really wanted her to be able to do it. So I perservered! LOL Thanks for saying all that sweet stuff..and you were never THAT moody..well..maybe a little.:) Have FUN! ~Denise

2:28 AM  

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