
Friday, December 01, 2006

As it draws near...

Ok, to begin, Mom, Denise, Amber, you have constantly showed interest in who I am, by looking at and commenting on this site, Thank you very much.

Gaela, I think about it at least once a day, for the past week, how much you have contributed. Hmm, I mean your follow up, feed back, jokes, I sincerely appreciate it all. After returning from London, it was enlightening, going back over my entire life, and realizing that this semester is part of MY life, that my life matters, and that my stay in Europe was and is a part of who I have become. Thank you.

So, I am coming home very soon. I cannot use one word to demonstrate what my trip has been, I do not even think I could do it in a page. I really do not think any justice could be done, who knows maybe my pictures do it well enough. I think one way to effectively demonstrate what this trip was for me, and every second it encompassed, would be for me to just scream, completely uninhibited, for as long as it took, as loud as I could...and afterwards I would feel like I had effectively communicated what MY words could not do, or would only do after careful planning and after wasted trees of outlines.

How giving of those trees, by the way, to sacrifice themselves so that we could try to express ourselves and conduct ourselves in ways not possible with our own sacrifices. Ok, I am almost finished with "Extremely loud and Incredibly Close." It is by the same author as "Everything is Illuminated." I just really want to say that these books, well, for me they have resulted in being the kind of good that fills me in ways that I did not previously recognize voids existed to be filled, and have me walking from destination to destination thinking, thinking, but differently. I know it only that we can suggest to eachother that we have found something beautiful...so I have really found a beautiful storyteller, and I would hope anyone who wants to read these books, can.

Ok, I love you all. I look forward to hugs, and to experiencing winter with you.

Love, Kira


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea,Yea,yea,yea,your comin back,im so happy you got to experience a whole new outlook on life,life is so big we cant get the gest of how big it is and how little we are,and how much bigger God is and created it and us,when you look at the big picture it is like we are tiny ants all trying to get somewhere.i cant wait to wrap my arms around you,and draw you close to me and my heart,it will beat together with yours truly a hallmark moment,love and kisses mom.

8:18 AM  

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