
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Prevention/Crime/Reflections on Crime in Society

This morning I came across an article in the NYTIMES by Adam Liptak, "Lifers as Teenagers, Now Seeking Second Chance." This is my reaction, and thoughts on the article.
(available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/17/us/17teenage.html?_r=1&oref=slogin)


In the United States each state has its own challenges and programs addressing these challenges, in regards to criminal activity. Different regions, and classes generally output different types of crimes, and the states have to be respectively attentive to those crimes. After reading Mr. Liptak's article one has to wonder and sincerely toil with the fact that children, young adults, and adults are committing heinous crimes. I have always been an advocate for youth, truly believing that the neglect of proper education, health care, and adequate and healthy family support often lead to issues. Community involvement, parent involvement, schools being funded and staffed well enough to be able to provide their students with the education they deserve, after school programs... all contributors to higher self esteem, and the capability to build oneself up. What happens though when you read the statistics of crimes committed by youth, and adults and find that the "...United States is a more violent society [than the European societies compared with]..." (See NYTIMES article aforementioned)? When I ask that question, it's strictly meant to get the wheel turning, the philosophical "Aha. Hmm." I spent the day questioning what exactly has made it so that US society is more prone to violence and while there are many factors involved, and the question is one that needs to be pondered, let's mull for the rest of our lives but move on to Crime.


Our system is often criticized for being one to detain and scold wrongdoers, as Liptak points out in comparison to European societies that seek to rehabilitate people. I sit back in my seat as I feel myself pulled back centuries ago...

Those puritans arriving and setting up a colony, mostly dying, than surviving, eventually multiplying... my point is, they came, worked incredibly hard, even to build relationships with neighbors already inhabiting the new world, forming that sweet American ideal of pulling oneself up, by oneself- with the flip side being that if one is unable to do such, regardless of the circumstances, there is a huge negative view cast on them...

So, those wrongdoers, criminals... treated differently in the United States than let's say France, at least in large part I would like to say because of engrained expectations we hold amongst ourselves. (Admit it, there's a little Mayflower tattoo on your heart.) I wonder as I get more involved in the criminal justice system, when it is past the point of prevention. Referencing to the article, when a young girl and her boyfriend brutally kill family members, stab, shoot, than set on fire... years later, as they sit in prison and we/they reflect on their crimes and the actions to take for them now, and for their futures, what aside from the emptying sit back in your seat exhale and "huh" can we say, can we do. Blind Justice. Reality of these crimes. Blind Justice…hmmm.

Reflections on Crime in Society

I am inevitably brought back to prevention, again and again, revived by it I should say. I naturally return to prevention, not out of anything other than resolute belief in the power of it. For example, CPTED... The Sacramento Bee published an article entitled "Safer by Design: Crime Prevention Strategy Focuses on Architecture." The Article discusses the notion of being very intentional in environmental/construction design and the impacts it has on crime. For example, having windows of buildings face sidewalks and parking lots, making sure greenery is trimmed, disallowing for spots for hiding or simply to be out of view. The article quotes a professor at the University of Florida as saying, "...10 to 15 percent of crime is related to environment..."So yes, investing in maintaining a city is important, and it seems reasonable/ to invest heavily in rejuvenating more urban, more crime ridden and poorer neighborhoods while simultaneously investing in prevention through after school programs, etc. By advocating investing in these neighborhoods, and intentionally planning construction and maintenance, I am not associating all crime ridden with "poorer," rather, speaking with a prevention state of mind, hoping not to have one default to being both. In reading local news and local steps and units of the sheriffs and police departments, I am rather encouraged. There are innovative measures being taken. The Sacramento Police have a unit that focuses on CPTED (Crime Prevention through envir. design); The Sheriffs Dept. and Police Dept. are offering counseling services for DUI repeat offenses (with hopes of preventative measures helping as opposed to just scolding.) We can always applaud the non Profs as well for their work in prevention and assistance.

This remains a condensed version of thoughts, local and not so local articles, and philosophical questions every person ought to think about. For now I remain a humble observer sharing her thoughts and reflections and ask that you do the same.

P.S. Gaela, Hello =)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

...Seeds and New Life...


Literal growth in my windowsill this morning made me smile. I recognized how gratifying it is to plant a seed, have nurtured it, and see its growth. Even though I forgot to water the seeds for a couple of days, they were forgiving and sprouted. I felt so proud... to have believed in the potential of the still seeds as they had laid in my hand...and today to have been shown the outcome. Tomatoes...Basil...Lavender. While this is but part of a garden project between my sister and I, it was an inspiring part, and so humbling.
Little seeds, little egg carton, giant illuminating sun and the still glass between,
The power of believing in the seed you are planting, oh and the gratification and fortune of being able to see it grow.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Wanting, Being wanted, Not Wanting, Being Unwanted.

Wanting: The desire to have something, be something. After making the realization, attempting, with or without a plan to attain the "thing."

Being Wanted: Some aspect of oneself or the entire self is desired by another for some purpose.

Not Wanting: Not desiring to have a certain something, or be a certain something.

Being Unwanted: Not being desired in part or entirety for the purpose at hand.

Having defined these things with some semblance of logic... I now digress to the realm of craziness.

What do I want? I want to be good at what I do and start doing it. I would love it if I could feel like the experiences that I have had thus far actually mattered to those who know about it or who peer down at my resume. I want to be in such good shape that I do not have to ever look at myself and be unhappy with what I see. I want to hurt when I read that another 76 people have been killed in Iraq...rather than being consumed with waiting to hear back from some guy skimming my life and deciding if I am worth the risk of a job. 76 people, MTV rolls on.

Every once in a while I hear back from something, and I am delighted and honored when I am mutually desired for the position.

I do not want to continue to lose precious idealism. I am so apathetic sometimes and I recognize the difference from the way I felt while in school to now. I heard criticisms from myself and from others but deep down I knew I could do absolutely anything, play a part in world hunger, helping the poor, being an advocate for love and peace. Now, I think I am really silent, really often and I am just moving everyday to some strange drum.

Unwanted. Well. What I have viewed as failures from being unwanted or rejected, cliche as it is, have made me stronger. I am so much tougher than I used to be. I have applied for so many things, had interview after interview, asked a man to be in a relationship with me, and was smacked and bruised up by a six foot wall... with responses like "No. Not now. Inexperienced. Thud." However, these things are hard on every part of me, my soul especially. Being unwanted for jobs, relationships, it's so negative sometimes.

Writing, I recognize how down this seems, but really it's just clarification for me so that I can continue to grow as a person, recognizing where I am, how I got here, and how I can progress to something better.
"Every day you may make progress. Every step may not be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb."
Sir Winston Churchill

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Last Day of My Undergraduate classes.

As I drove to school I started smiling, and it was the uncontrollable kind of smile that simply won't go away, the one that continues to spread until you have a full fledged grin making fellow drivers nervous. I am graduating next week. I AM GRADUATING. I am accomplishing something that is incredible and I am in awe.

This semester has just been the most challenging four months of my life. I have had 4.5 classes, two jobs, presidency in a club, and have been challenged applying like mad for jobs. I thought of something today...

I put myself out there about 100 times this semester. I failed or was rejected 80 or 90. I focused on those, God reminded me of the 10 or 20, and how hard I worked in the 80 or 90.

This semester I have written about non-lethal weapons technology, the implications and messages of given technologies, Zimbabwe, public defenders, Kazakhstan, Russia, U.S. intervention in the third world, The United States as an Empire , Germany, Iraq...I have presented two speeches to Congresswoman Barbara Lee, One defending a special judicial system set up to counter terrorism, one on education policy...I attended a preliminary court hearing, a murder trial, federal courthouse proceedings, JAMS in San Francisco (Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services), developed a passion for pancakes, heard Barack Obama speak in Oakland, ran to support the Knowledge is Power Program, all while continuing to grow as a woman in my faith, my intellect, and my understanding of the world. I am not bragging, I am saying with certainty that this semester, yeah it was pretty amazing.

I am excited to keep learning and to see what that looks like after college. I was rejected, praised, ignored, high fived...and I am graduating next week. I am graduating, and I am more grateful than ever for everything I have and everything I am.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

~Easter Sunday~

Easter Sunday.

This morning I worked in a nursery at a church nearby. Every time I work with children lately, I have been praying for my heart to be completely open and receptive to learning from them. The lessons over the past two months have been incredible; children are so untainted in their enthusiasm for life, their excitement over everything, and so adaptive and willing to love others. So, back to this morning: These two little girls I have been working with for about two months, finally talked to me without much effort, and let me into their world where the two of them usually only let me in after about and hour or two. They were even giggling at my jokes, = [one =) me].

There was a little boy who I think was partially deaf, he made some sounds, and could hear me, but that was it. I made extra effort to help him feel comfortable…and when I would help him with things and repeat what we were doing. Ex. Putting animals in a barn then out, I would say very clearly and slowly, IN…OUT. And when I moved this basketball hoop up and down, I would say UP…DOWN, so that he was beginning to attempt to say the same words as me, he would smile, and was really paying attention. It was so rewarding to feel like I was teaching him things, and that he would let me teach him.

I watched all of the kids search for Easter eggs and I couldn’t help but smile, scrambling around, and baskets filled with eggs. I suppose I had really forgotten how exciting Easter is for children.

As I walked home this morning reflecting on my encounters with these children, I just thanked God continuously for allowing me to be where I am in life and for bringing me to positions where I can learn from these children. I realize my own areas that could be improved, like learning different languages, and also how much they have helped me to develop characteristics that used to be so foreign: like PATIENCE.

My own understanding of Easter is much different this year, and I feel as if it is much more developed for me. Happy Easter everyone =) I love you all!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Ok. So, in a store, and as the words came out of my mouth "yeah I have to change facewash alll the time, my face requirees I switch regularly, my skin is like that..."

I realized, wait, does my SKIN do the requiring, or is it that I constanly am changing stress fluctuations, diet, excercise routine, work routine, environments...? I think it's me. J-Mac, in light of the conversation, I have to say this came out of my mouth and then I had a sort of "ohhhh" moment. It's me. I do the changing of everything, and I put my body and my skin through it all.

Thursday, I have a day long Teach For America interview. I am really excited, the more I think about it, this and the Peace Corps have become very important to me as prospects. I did the shop for the perfect attire thing, and am continuing to prepare for my lesson plan and for the interview. I am not so much nervous, it's just, well, this current uncertainty in life is really intense. I am learning patience and am being challenged to question whether uncertainty is so bad, or if societally we just don't respect it. Ohhh everyone, myself...I keep picturing both scenarios, Eastern Europe with the Peace Corps, Teaching in Houston or elsewhere...just realizing how much I love these two options and how each has something so wonderful to offer, and knowing I want to offer so much too.

I realized today, I might be a dog woman. I love cats, but I realized if I stay in the country...If Teach for America accepts me, (ifs ifs ifs)...then I want to get a dog and just love and treasure it. As I thought about it, and have not ever really considered it, it was another serious realization that I am ready...if. Haha.

Realizations. Well, as I sat in the state of mid anxiety the other day, I realized, "shucks, I am like this a lot lately, what is going on??" Well, I have to say I am in the most bizarre stage of my life, uncertainty, graduation, growing up considerabley, being challenged in new ways, attending interviews to jobs that include helping people by returning my efforts and my knowledge of theory, contiunuing to see God in my life, and realizing what it means to be a twenty-something.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Today, as spring break has kicked off, mom, my beautiful niece and I went to Stinson. It was chilly but Leah and I ran around and kept warm while mom's allergy medicine kept her pretty sleepy. It is amazing, I was talking with my niece and just the conversation and the insight, and the curiousity that she has is so beautiful. I think as I listen to her how much I might really love to work with children, and well, that might be it for me, not having any, but maybe working with them. I love children and I do not think that any one has the patience to constantly reassure them of their potential and their greatness, so maybe if I were there with them for a period of the day, I could really try to do that.

Hmm, so today...ran a lot, found lots of sand dollars, had some great conversation, ohhhh and just let the ocean water race across my feet, and while watching the enjoyment on my nieces face, just really soaked in a better understanding and less fearful view of the ocean.

Mom, I really enjoyed your company and I loved having you and the little one over last night. I know we did not get to talk too much today, but I always appreciate you and I really appreciated the effort you made in getting to me. Love you =)